{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "WebPage", "copyrightYear": "2024", "copyrightHolder": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "transprotec GmbH" }, "isFamilyFriendly": "http://schema.org/True", "image": "https://www.transprotec.de/fileadmin/templates/tpt20/img/logo-transprotec.png", "name": "Energy supplies" }
Generally speaking, energy supply systems are used when the energy and/or intelligence required by a mobile consumer for its movement of any kind is supplied from a fixed supply point.
Mobile consumers are technical systems that carry out transportation and connection work at many locations throughout the world of technology. For example, from port handling to material flow technology.
Energy supply systems are used for a wide variety of media, such as electricity, water, air, gas, oils of all kinds and in particular - but with increasing frequency - for data traffic between the feed point and the mobile machine.
Machines or devices that serve as energy supply for the previously mentioned applications can be designed in various ways. They differ based on the length of the travel path, the medium to be transmitted, the frequency of movements, the speed of the consumer, or the specific application site.
Cables or hoses are used to transport the media within the transmission path from the feed-in point to the mobile consumer.
Machines and devices that meet the requirements for the above applications include:
Before deciding which energy supply system to use, it is essential to consider the following conditions:
Cable or hose reels are devices that wind and unwind cables or hoses during operation and are attached to the feed point or the moving consumer. These devices require a rotary transformer or a rotary coupling as they have to transfer the medium to be transferred from a rotating to a linear movement. The rotary transformer or rotary coupling often restricts the use of these systems or makes it necessary to use several identical systems running in parallel.
Cable trolleys, hose trolleys, cable chains or hose chain systems must be installed along the entire route of the mobile consumer and therefore have their natural limits, but can transport several media simultaneously via cables and hoses. As they do not require rotary transmitters or rotary couplings, they often have an advantage in terms of transmission safety. The disadvantage lies in the large number of bearing points, which are subject to continuous wear and therefore affect availability. Here, the place of use is often the decisive criterion for selecting the optimum energy supply system.
We will be happy to assist you in selecting the most sensible and cost-effective energy supply for your application.
Phone.: +494102 7789600